Durres, the city that drove out the oligarchs by war

“Culture in 1 minute” / Episode 3
20 centuries ago, in ancient Durres, a civil war broke out between the aristocracy and the citizens, who felt oppressed by the elite of the oligarchs. The inhabitants managed to expel the oligarchs, who found refuge near the Illyrian tribe of Taulant.
The conflict escalated further when both sides called for the help of the powers of the time, Corinth on the one hand and Korkyra, present-day Corfu.
Learn more about the fate of the civil war in ancient Durres between citizens and oligarchs, by following the next series of videos “Culture in 1 minute”, published at the top.
Producer and narrator: Geri Emiri
Script: Dorian Hatibi
Video-Production: Arlind Veshti
This video was developed with the support of the “Media for All” project, funded by the UK Government. The views and opinions expressed on the video are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the constitutions of the donors.
Photo at the top: Excerpts from the published video.
Reference: Thucydides: History of the Peloponnesian War. Pages: 1, 24-29.