Caesar and Pompey, the clash that changed the ancient world – Pt. 2

“Culture in 1 minute” / Episode 5 – PART TWO
In the last series we dealt with the start of the epic confrontation between Caesar and Pompey, in the year 48 AD.
The Roman Senate asked Caesar to return to the capital without his legions and leave the command of the army, but he disobeyed and confronted Pompey, who led a punitive campaign against him.
For 7 months in a row in the backyard of Durrës took place a series of confrontations through fierce battles between the military camps of two Roman generals.
The fate of the war would be determined by betrayal. Two brothers of German descent betrayed Caesar and reported the weak points of his front.
For more, watch the video published at the top and learn about Caesar’s victory after the defeat he suffered in Durrës.
Producer and narrator: Geri Emiri
Script: Dorian Hatibi
Video-Production: Arlind Veshti
This video was developed with the support of the “Media for All” project, funded by the UK Government. The views and opinions expressed on the video are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the constitutions of the donors.
Photo on the head: From the published video.
Illustrative map: Mikel Nushi – Part of the book “History of Durrës”, D. Hatibi. 2021.
Reference: Julius Caesar: De bello civili.
George Veith: The Durres Campaign between Caesar and Pompey. Tirana, 2006.