The triangular tower of Dyrrachium: a “lost” place

600 meters south from the stadium of Durres, down a big and abandoned apartment, there is located an unknown place, that has not gave close and thoughtful attention from the experts in Archaeology and History, or it has given attention, but few of them.
It is believed that expect from the walls of Anastasius I, the city had a third siege of walls. One of these towers that composed the third siege of the city walls was the triangular tower. It is believed that it was constructed in Vth century, and it was located on the northern border of Dyrrachium. According to the French historian, Leon Heuzey and the French architect, Honore Daumet, they say that the city could have had northern fortifications, known as “troisieme encient” (from the French “third wall”) or “enceinte Byzantine” (Byzantine wall). The ruins of the tower were discovered since 2002, passed with two phases, one in 2007 and the second phase in 2012. The archaeological excavations were According to Brikena Shkodra, a known archaeologist from Durres, she says that the construction of the triangular tower had two phases of construction. The wall is 0.42 meters thick and its width is 2 meters.
It has passed 10 years since the last archaeological expedition in this site. Now, parts of its walls are damaged by vegetation, moisture and rubbish. Now situated down the ruins of an abandoned apartment and without any tourist indications about the place since 2019, the ruins are being endangered in collapse.