The legend of Hercules and the founding of Durres

“Culture in 1 minute” / Episode 1

Durres is the city that during 2700 years of its existence as a city without producing many legends. Its foundation is described in a story that connects existence with King Epidamn.

The most widespread legend is brought by Apian, a historian who wrote from the first half of the second century AD. According to this legend the king of the barbarians of the country, Epidamn, built by the sea a town that carried his name. After his death, the nephew, Dyrrah built a harbor nearby.

He started the battle with the brothers and cousins who had claims over the city and declared war on him. In distress he called on Hercules for help, winning the war by sacrificing in battle also the son of Dyrrah, Prince Ion.


Producer and narrator: Geri Emiri

Script: Dorian Hatibi

Video-Production: Arlind Veshti

Photo on the head: From the published video.

Reference: Appian, “History of Rome”, “Civil War”, Book 2, chapter 39. Taken from the transliterated translation of Horace White M.A., Ll.D., Vol. 3. Harvard University Press. London 1914.

NOTE: This video was developed with the support of the “Media for All” project, funded by the UK Government. The content gathered and views expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors.