The first modern consuls, pharmacists and doctors in Durrës

“Culture in 1 Minute” / Episode 20
The Tedeschini (Tedeskini) family was noble and had its own coat of arms. They arrived in Durrës from Abruzzo (Italy) in 1767. They were known as doctors, pharmacists, theologians, diplomats and merchants.
One of her heirs, Emidio Tedeschini II was born in Durrës on April 20, 1909 and was a brilliant intellectual, devout believer and courageous lawyer. Learn more about its history through the video and interview with one of its heirs, Emidio’s son, Josef Tedeschini IV.
Click here and learn more about the brief history of the family, from the moment of arrival in Durrës until today, getting to know the consuls, pharmacists and the first modern doctors in Durrës.
Producer and narrator: Geri Emiri
Historical information: Dorian Hatibi
Video-Production: Arlind Veshti
The Informal Group “Busulla e Trashëgimisë” (“Compass of Heritage”) continuously publishes the summarized history of the old families of Durrës. Click HERE and follow all the publications of the “Qyteti që Rrëfen” (“The city tells”) category.
This video was made by the Informal Group “Busulla e Trashëgimisë”, within the project “Qyteti që Rrëfen”, with the financial support of Leviz Albania, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC and in cooperation with Amfora Media.
The views and opinions expressed on the video are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the constitutions of the donors.
Media Amfora continuously publishes short informative videos about history and cultural heritage. Click HERE and follow all publications of the “Culture in 1 Minute” category.
Photo on the head: From the published video.
- Dibra, Zenepe. Fjalori Enciklopedik i Hapësirës Shkodrane. 2;
- Grim, Gerhard. Johan George von Hahn – Jeta dhe Vepra. Mynich. 1964;
- Maximilian I. Recollection of my life. Vëll. II. 1868;
- Pllumi. Zef. Dr. Emidio Tedeskini. Pak kujtime për të. Hylli i Dritës. 2004;
- Përmbledhje e dokumenteve venedikase dhe osmane të shekullit të XVIII.