The city with an underground museum
The next video in the “Culture in 1 Minute” series deals with a unique decision of 1961, where the government of the time declared the entire underground of the city of Durres a museum, making it almost untouchable from possible damage to archeology.

“Culture in 1 minute” / Episode 16
Up until today we have heard of underground museums or underground cities, but not of the entire underground of a city declared museum.
The next video in the “Culture in 1 Minute” series deals with a unique decision of 1961, where the government of the time declared the entire underground of the city of Durres a museum, making it almost untouchable from possible damage to archeology.
Decision of the Council of Ministers number 172, dated 2 June 1961, among other things in the first point determined that the old part of the city of Durres and the underground should be declared museums. The image of the decision is published for the first time by Media Amfora.
Learn more about the legal significance of this Decision through an interview with lawyer Erisilda Shpata and what effect this decision has today.
For more follow the video posted on the top.
Producer and narrator: Geri Emiri
Historical information: Geri Emiri
Video production: Arlind Veshti
This video was developed with the support of the “Media for All” project, funded by the UK Government. The views and opinions expressed on the video are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the constitutions of the donors.
Photo on the head: From the published video.
Reference: 1. Decision of the Council of Ministers number 172, dated 2 June 1961, “On the proclamation of museum cities”;
2. Internet address of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage, category, “List of Protected Areas Durres Region: