Women in the Balkan media

“Voice of Culture” / Ep. 7

You can listen the “Voice of Culture” podcasts on SoundCloud, MixCloud, Google Podcasts and Youtube platforms, on the channels: Amfora.al, as well as on Spotify and Apple Podcasts platforms, under the title Voice of Culture.

We will return to the series of english language with a special expert who does not come from the field of archeology or cultural heritage but is an international expert, who will talk about women in the Balkan media.

Larisa Halilović was also a speaker at Ted Talk and this time explained the situation of women in the Balkan media through her experience and studies.

Larisa Halilović in a meeting in Tirana for the project Media for all. Photo British Embassy Tirana

She is also the team leader of the “Media For All program, funded by the UK Government and delivered by the British Council, in partnership with the Thomson Foundation, BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) and INTRAC – part of this support is the series “Voice of Culture”.

Author: Geri Emiri
Podcast Producer: Livia Kreko

This podcast was developed with the support of the “Media for All” project, funded by the UK Government.

Redaksia - Amfora.al

Amfora.al është një media online kushtuar arkeologjisë dhe monumenteve të kulturës në Shqipëri, me fokus në qytetin e Durrësit. Ne synojnë informimin e qytetarëve për zhvillimet mbi arkeologjinë dhe monumentet e kulturës. Përmbajtja e këtij shkrimi është përgjegjësi e redaksisë së Medias Amfora.

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